To La Mancha!

Tilting at WindmillsDespite that fact that I have several wonderful books glaring at me from the TBR pile, I have decided to saddle up and join the brave knights of Tilting at Windmills in reading The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha. I wasn’t planning to read the book any time soon but, entirely by accident, I have managed to acquire both the new Edith Grossman translation and the beautiful quadricentennial edition in Spanish. Since I already had the books, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to read Don Quixote with the great group of readers Dorothy has mustered for this quest. (And in case anyone is wondering, I will be reading the book in English and just dabbling in the Spanish edition to work on my language skills.)

Don Quijote - SpanishDon Quixote - EnglishIf anyone would like to participate, ride on over to Tilting at Windmills and send Dorothy a note. We set off on our journey at the beginning of May, so you still have time to get a copy of the book. ‘Ándale!

P.S. In case you missed it, here is a classic post from a DQ veteran: The Don Quixote Mind/Body Workout.

6 comments on “To La Mancha!

  1. wil says:

    I actually thought about reading the DQ recently, but I couldn't decide on an edition. What made you pick Grossman?

  2. Sylvia says:

    Uh, the pretty colour? I just happened to pop in to a used bookstore and there it was and I figured I wanted to read it eventually and it was in good shape so I bought it. Turns out that everyone is crazy about her translation, so it was one impulse purchase that actually worked out.

  3. Imani says:

    And I didn't even have to flatter you. πŸ˜‰

  4. Sylvia says:

    D'oh! I should have held out. I'm such a bibliopushover..

  5. Stefanie says:

    Ah the workout! I had nearly forgotten πŸ™‚

  6. Petunia says:

    I read this book a couple of years ago. I started with the Putman translation since it was already on my shelves but I switched to the Grossman translation about halfway through. It went so much better. Have fun with it. I'll be watching for a review.

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